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The negative economic impact brought on by the pandemic had transitioned to recession and inflation, which worsened the problems faced by the film industry. Even before the pandemic, firm directors and cinematographers were already working in an industry that no longer provided as many creative work opportunities as it did before. This was mainly due to the emergence of streaming platforms that provided avid film audiences with services that allowed them to watch movies in the comfort of their homes.

The successful incursion of streaming giant Netflix in the film production business had in fact caused a substantial decline in the number of theatregoers. The pandemic merely boosted customer patronage of streaming services because cinemas were ordered to shut down.

Post Pandemic Changes that Transpired in the Film Industry

Although things seemed to normalise after a successful global vaccination program and continuing vigilance against variants, several changes took place in the film industry. Still, many of the changes are true in almost all industries and not just in the movie-making business.

Some examples of these changes include the following:

Opportunities of Offering Remote Post Production Services– Most post production jobs have shifted away from editing bays to home based offices, using remote processes. State-of-the-art technology is now in use to edit cuts, add music and incorporate special effects. While these are post production jobs that previously took months to complete, these are now technical polishing services that can be performed and completed at home, in no time at all.

Sales and rentals of DVDs and Blu-rays had drastically declined down to $7 billion which hardly compares to the all-time high of $14.9 billion recorded in 2016.

Decline in film production began in 2020 as only 66% of the movies produced prior to the pandemic were released by theatres.

As movie theatre attendance continues to decline with the growing popularity of streaming channels, many cinemas were constrained to close permanently.

Apparently, these changes require vigorous promotional and marketing efforts on the part of service providers, theatres, outlets and even streaming channels if they want to stay afloat. Much of the world has gone digital as it is now common to see consumers using their smartphones to carry out tasks and chores online.

Why the Film Industry and Its Related Businesses Need Professional SEO Services

Nowadays, consumers perform research through their smartphones when choosing a venue or establishment that will provide them with their current needs. However, browsers like Google use search engines that follow certain algorithms in releasing search results. Apparently websites that meet the elements and components used as bases in determining the most relevant information, appear in the top search page results. In this regard, hiring a reputable Search Engine Optimization or SEO Agency will provide the expertise needed to enhance the visibility of a website to consumers searching for information across the Internet space.

Cursory Look at the Current State of the Film Industry