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The best camera is right in front of you, isn’t it? If the only camera you have is the one in your smartphone, then you might be struggling over the dilemmas that you have so as to jump over to make your cinematography look as perfect as it can be.

To help improve the cinematography of your phone from  Velgenklere, we listed down some tips that you should try. You will be amazed at how effective they are! Keep on reading to find out more.

Utilize Different Frame Rates

If your phone has this feature, make sure to use various frame rates. Capture at 24 fps if you want to achieve those”cinematic-looking” shots. Get at 60 fps for every shot. If you want to achieve a lovely slow-motion act, try shooting at a higher frame rate. In addition to that, you might also want to try incorporating different frame rates into your creations.

Perfect Lighting is very Crucial

It is not all the time that camera is what makes your picture cinematic. Not necessarily. It’s actually the combination of various film factors, such as camera movement and the setting or location. But maybe one of the most important tools you must never oversee is lighting. Several professional photographers suggest shooting before the sun rises and right after the sunset, because these are the times when the light is soft and warm.

Do not under Stabilizer

Smartphones are much lighter thana DSLRs. Not only that, they are not developed to capture video, so expect plenty of camera shake every time you use them. This is when you will realize the importance of mobile camera stabilizer. Your shots will not only look seamless and flawless but you will not have a hard time doing tracking, slider, and orbit shots that improve the quality of your work.

Don’t See Your Phone as Literally a Phone Only

A lot of people know that smartphone filmmaking is still not recommended. However, little did people know that there are so many lovely, cinematic, high-quality work that has been captured by smartphones. Don’t see your phone like a phone only!


Tips for Improving Your Smartphone’s Cinematography